
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Another Way of Saying It

I found this comment posted on The Village Voice website. It's an outsider's view of the protesting and it's exactly what I've been saying. The way this community is acting right now is NOT good PR for what we are trying to accomplish. I for one hope that the court does NOT overturn this. I want this to go back on the ballot and get repealed by the people directly. And I want the gay community to stop whining and yelling and refusing to talk to anyone except those who already support it.

I used to have respect for the gay community until I saw their reactions to this proposition. You didn't lose because the Mormon's financed proposition 8, you lost because 52% of voting Californians voted for it to pass.

You abused the court systems to override the voice of the people, and the people fought back. And it is somehow the Mormon's fault?

Maybe instead of whining about how you lost and trying to point fingers of blame, you should keeping working with the people to explain your cause.

Explain to them why marriage is important to you. It isn't just about the rights and you all know it. California law provides most of the rights that marriage provides through civil unions. If it were about rights, you'd be fighting to have all of the rights that married couples have, not a complete redefinition of the institution.

I'm guessing it isn't about rights, as much as it is about commitment. You want to be able to let your significant other know that you are committed to them and only them. But is this really the best approach to get this done?

Be civil. You'll get more respect from the community if you do. Otherwise you will hurt your cause with people who sit on the fence like me, because instead of looking like patient, mature, rational adults, you'll look like the little kid in the grocery store who throws a fit because his parents wouldn't let him have candy. You'll just annoy everyone.

Posted by: Dan at November 10, 2008 4:05 PM


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